Friday, January 13, 2017


Since the beginning of the construction of the SM Grass Residences the dust from the rocks and trucks has been a persisting problem in the streets of Barangay Ramon Magsaysay

Sitting dust that are soon to be blown into houses by the wind
Dust is normal for any place where air freely comes on but too much gets really difficult to live by.
The problems my community is facing are:
  • the  odor of sand that never fades especially on a sunny day
  • The collection of dust on a car window in just one day
  • the dust present in the air that makes it even more easier to get lung or throat diseases
  • the constant cleaning of the sidewalks, streets, windows, and even cars
  • the inability to dry clothes outside because it will get even more dirty;
  • and even the simple “puwing” from the dust particles

Residences even trouble themselves by watering the roads and sweeping the wet dust but it's never enough. Some even cover their whole cars and fronts of their houses to keep the dust away. 

As one of the people with asthma in my community the massive amounts of dust is really troubling for my health. Despite this, I still manage because of our numerous plant in the front of our house that help collect the dust.

My neighbors have been signing a petition so instead of troubling ourselves the workers of the construction will try to maintain the dust.

To all affected by this problem we may all reach out to help reduce(if not stoppable) the effects of all these dust.